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General Information

Welcome to our C++ Page! In these classes, students will be able to participate in many conversations and dicussions with the teacher and the rest of the class. Using new or previous knowledge from other languages, students will have an entertaining time getting a grasp on the C language. From simple in class competitions to sample questions of real ones, there's no doubt that the studetns logical thinking and programming skills will be put through its paces.

C++ Level 1

In these C++ classes, students will learn the basic structure of C++ coding. They will be able to frequently engage in student to teacher conversations. Doing so, they will learn about new data types, such as headers, namespaces and data collections, information that may be new, or learned in a different coding language. Using the material given, students will be able to test their problem solving skills with competition sample questions and fun exercises given by the teacher.

C++ Level 2

Coming Soon!

C++ Level 3

Coming Soon!