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General Information

Starting in 2016, the Explorer Robotics Club is dedicated to inspire and attract children of different ages to discover the enjoyment of working togther and the excitiment of robotics. Our curriculum is aimed to develop the skills of the cadets, beginning with simple movement and advancing to more advanced topics involving sensors and missions for the robot to complete. The WRO and FLL are global competitions where the student must work with one another to complete set objectives in order to win. These challenges test many aspects of the team, from perseverance to teamwork. These competitions feature competitors from all around the world, and are sure to be a great effort come out on top.

Lego Robotics Level 1

At the very beginning, the introduction class, students will be presented to the EV3 Education set and software. During these classes, the basics of Lego Robotics will be taught in a fun, hands-on experience. The cirriculum teaches beginner robot builds, and fundamental programming movements. These include simple maneuvers such as forward driving and arched turns. Basic sensor functions will also be taught. Flow controls such as looping and switching will accompany these movements. Of course, these classes wouldn't be much fun without a challenge, so at the end, there will always be a problem for the explorers to demonstrate their learning and knowledge about the EV3 software.

Lego Robotics Level 2

The Level 2 classes dive deeper into Lego Robotics. During these classes, the Extension set will be introduced. This pack includes many new pieces and recipes for robot design. The student will also learn the basics of EV3 technics. Gear systems and motion transformation will be introduced, as well as many unique machines that make use of these techniques. The students will learn additional programming methods, such as data-logging, porportinal control and sensor calibration. Using these, students will be able to create interesting programs and robot designs, namely maze solvers, racecars and mountain climbers.

Lego Robotics Level 3

Our third class features simple machines, such as pulleys and levers, and incorporates them Lego Robotics. Using these, the students will learn to construct models in order to fufill tasks given by the coach. They will be encouraged to try to explain how their machine works, along with their fellow classmates. They will make fair tests and analyzations about their robots, and will be able to establish problem solving skills, finding the links between cause and effect.